Ethics Policy

Updated: August 3, 2023

Chuck Eats KC is an independent journalism project that covers the Kansas City metro area food scene and provides resources to local residents. One goal of this project is to be transparent about our operations. Here our our current ethical guidelines and operational principles.

  • Chuck Eats KC does not have any current corporate sponsor, nor does it desire such a relationship.
  • We will be transparent about financial relationships, such as restaurants who are clients of Chuck’s company, Bread and Roses Creative. This will be noted in reviews, social media, and other media channels.
  • Chuck does not receive any comped meals, gifts, or financial compensation from any restaurant reviewed, written about, or interviewed. The review process is kept as anonymous as possible.
  • This project may have more interviews with restaurants and chefs which include samples of food, drink and other products. Chuck will insist that full meals and portions not be comped or gifted.
  • This website is open to advertising, but not from restaurants.
  • We do not use AI and try to avoid AI enabled tools as much as possible. Using AI in a project like this is like a restaurant selling food that it has purchased elsewhere and presenting it as the restaurant’s work. AI is even worse. It’s like a restaurant’s owners going into another restaurant in the middle of the night, stealing their dishes, and presenting the stolen food as their own food the next day.